04 May 2009

The Beriyani Experiment

Out of the blue today I got a hankering for some nasi beriyani. And since I have (almost) all of the ingredients in the kitchen, I attempted to cook it myself. Mind you, I've never tried making it ever, but there's always a first time, isn't it?

So I Google-d some recipes online and finally decided to try out the Beriyani Kurma recipe found on mesra.net resepi webpage with some modifications of my own. Instead of using beef I used chicken breast meat since that's all that is available for me here, and I substituted evaporated milk with yoghurt and I also added a handful of raisins.

The verdict:
It turned out well enough, albeit a l'il bit soggy. My bad in over-estimating the water for the rice (as I usually do, lol!). What's more, I didn't use Basmathi rice (mahal lah) and used another type of long grain rice instead. All in all it was edible (and I think it was kinda tasty too, hehe) although it wasn't visually appealing. But hey, everything's gonna go into my tummy in the end right, so what's the biggie? As a side dish I made some spicy tomato-based acar timun (I used pickled cucumber), and VOILA! Dinner is served. Yummmmm

It's usual for me to cook in abundance and finish it in 2-3 days. Why do I do this? It's because food keeps well here due to the weather but actually the main reasons are pure laziness and no time. This way at least I could have something that is cooked and meaty instead of bread and eggs all the time, oh man...

So, what else to cook next week? I'm craving for fish but the fish here is so not very the fresh. Tuna/sardin dalam tin pulak dah naik harga skang ni. Telur lagi lah nampaknya, hmmmmm


eshmy said...

wah bestnya!!

pasni bole tlg masak utk kenduri kawin k ana.. hahaha..

evamy said...

Hehehe... Ezra, amatur mana boleh handle masak bebanyak tu. Kang nasi beriyani jadi pulut beriyani pulak, huhu... Takpe lah, bagi chan kat veteran cooks dulu...

Kalau setakat kita kita je nak makan tu boleh la cuba try test. Apa lagi u all teringin? Nanti k.eva compile resepi and try dulu kat sini ok. Tapi kalau kena diarrhea tak jamin tau! :D