24 December 2008

The Bright Lights of Earth

"This is a view of the earth from space that shows the global city lights as seen by the Defense Meteorological Satellite."

(Click on the picture for a better close-up)

"As you can see, the Eastern U.S., Europe, and Japan are brightly lit by their cities, while the interiors of Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America remain (for now) dark and lightly populated."

What's intriguing is that when you look properly at Malaysia, you can see that the lights in and around Kuala Lumpur and several spots along the Straits of Melaka are very much visible, as well as a brightly lit path that runs from the south of Peninsular Malaysia until it reaches the northern part of the peninsular. Wonder if these are the lights along the North-South highway?? Hmmm...maybe we could name it The Bright Lights of Malaysia that could actually be seen from space....

Can't believe your eyes? Then go check it out here.

Pesanan daripada penaja: Jimatkan penggunaan elektrik dan air. Elakkan pembaziran. Marilah kita kurangkan kesan Rumah Hijau. Sayangi Bumi kita.... Sekian, terima kasih.

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