26 March 2009

Flu-ish Weather

Sakit kepala
Sakit badan

Yup, I've caught the bug that has been making people around me feverish, sneezing and coughing. Barely recovering from bout of stomach flu a week ago and now this, sigh...

Luckily the fever wasn't that bad though, only traces of blocked/runny nose remain. PCM, antihistamines and plenty of liquids were my salvation. Plenty of bed rest should also be in the list, but we have had full day classes all through the week so I still had to go. I missed only one day of classes when I really cannot tahan...

MC? Well, there's no such thing as MCs here. You are either present or absent, unless you have a really valid MC from the student's clinic (which is really far from my place) or you have managed to convince your lecturers that you are really unable to attend the classes. Kalau dah larat bangun nakgi amik MC kat klinik pelajar nun kat Copou sana, maknanya dah boleh bangun gi kelas jugak la kan? Baik gi je kelas tu, kalau dah tak larat sangat mintak ler balik awal, habih citer...

And the weather wasn't helping too. Nowadays it's been sunny/rainy in the day and cold at night. And just when we thought that spring is finally here, all hell broke loose yesterday and it actually snowed!! Well, it was snowing (with winds all) but because the temperature was above 0 degrees celcius the icicles turned into puddles of water when it reached the ground. Sejuk panas sejuk panas sejuk panas...sedangkan batu pun boleh terhakis inikan pulak kulit manusia, isy....

Ok folks, that's all for now. Need to go lie down coz my head is spinning.....

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