29 March 2009

Daylight Saving Time

... or DST is when the clocks are moved 1 hour in the spring. In the European Union, Summer Time begins and ends at 1:00 a.m. Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time). It begins on the last Sunday in March (which is today) and ends on the last Sunday in October. In the EU, all time zones change at the same moment.

Why do they do this? This is to make better use of daylight, as the days in the summer are longer than in the winter. More sunlight, less electricity consumption, better environmental outcome so on so forth... Simply put, by turning the clocks 1 hour ahead, people get the opportunity to enjoy the day and the sunlight more.

(gambar hiasan)

When I first came here, I had no idea about DST. As a result, I was 1 hour early for Anatomy class! Yup, it was October and I was in front of the uni wondering why it was so deserted and freezing my a** off at 7.30am (according to my watch) when it was actually 6.30am!! It was only later that I found out from my classmates about the time change. Nobody else to blame but me for my ignorance, haha...

And guess what, I still am confused by the time change up till last year. If my friends haven't reminded me I would have totally forgotten about it. But this year I do remember, and have been preparing for it, i.e.waking up 1 hour earlier than my usual wake-up time in the morning for the past weeks. Since we now have morning rounds/classes everyday I figured that my body and mind would need to get used to waking up at an earlier time. Have to do this, because I found that nowadays my body is less adaptable to changes as I get older. Oh well, what to do, old already maaah...


Yan said...

ello K.Eva!!! i FOOOOOOOOOOUND you!!!! ;)) heheh..hope ur doing well there!! stay cute!

evamy said...

Hehehe, welcome to my humble abode ;P
Hope you're doing good too and congrats for the soon-to-be new addition to your family...
I'm so happy for u! :D